About us
A little information about who we are and what we do
A little history
Wycliffe Bible Translators, the largest Bible translation mission agency, has had representation in Italy for nearly 15 years.
As a natural development of this representation, in 1996 the Associazione Traduttori della Bibbia Wycliffe (sez. italiana) was born.
The two functioned as a point of reference in Italy for those interested in knowing more about the work of Bible translation worldwide and/or participating in the work.
In 2002 a new, completely Italian, reality came into being: AITB (Associazione Italiana Traduttori della Bibbia), which took the place of the previous ones.
In 2003 AITBreceived official recognition as a ‘partner association of Wycliffe International’ and since 2011 has been part of the Wycliffe Global Alliance, a cooperative network of more than 100 organizations worldwide that deal with Bible translation.

Our goal
AITB aims to serve as a source of information and connection.
Information on the needs, progress, and blessings focused on the world of Bible translation.
Connection with churches and individuals who want to familiarize themselves with this reality for various reasons (to be informed, to support, to send people to work in this field, to be involved first-hand). As a group, then, we at AITB desire to sensitize Italian believers to current needs in this somewhat ‘overlooked’ mission field, call attention to opportunities relevant to serving, and promote various means of involvement.

Our characteristics
Love and absolute respect for God’s Word.
We believe that the Bible is literally inspired by God and, therefore, must be translated, via submission of oneself to the text, avoiding changes to the content.
For this reason, we are convinced that, to be valid, a translation of the Bible must be made on the basis of original-language texts rather than from another translation. It should also respect those structures and harmonies present in the original text.
We maintain that it is indispensable to work with genuine believers. This is not a question of denominations, but of choosing people whose faith is based exclusively on the Word of God and not on human principles.

Our activities
Publication of the “Parola e Azioni” newsletter, in which information on the work of Bible translation in the world is shared. See Newsletter
Organization of church meetings to present developments, needs, and opportunities in the work of Bible translation. See Contacts
Organization of themed events or conferences variously connected to the work of Bible translation in Italy and the world. See Events
Organization of intensive Biblical Hebrew courses conducted by highly skilled teachers. See Events
Work on Bible translation projects and related activities (linguistic research, literacy, translator training, etc.) in various parts of the world.. See Our projects